Marguerite “Rita” Gandy
Marguerite was Isaac and Mary’s first daughter, born in 1900. She married Wilfred Cecil Ball, son of Charles Ball and Hannah Parker, of Rocky Point, on December 22nd 1919.

Marguerite and Wilfred had four children:
Gordon Ball, Gloria Ball (who married Bob Tuson), Robert (Bob) Ball and Patrick (Pat) Ball. More details in the Gandy family tree.

Marguerites died in 1948. The Ball family have a family grave in Ross Bay Cemetery. It is possible that Marguerite and Wilfred Cecil are buried there, but this has not been confirmed. Husband Wilfred Cecil later married Marguerite’s younger sister Martha. He died in 1959. Read more here:
The Ball Family of Rocky Point
A couple of years ago when I first got contact with him, Lionel Gandy very generously sent me a book called
“FOOTPRINTS: Pioneer Families of the Metchosan District, Southern Vancouver Island 1851-1900”
This book, issued by the Metchosin School Museum Society in 1983, contains a chapter on the Ball family of Rocky Point written by Mrs. Eva Rhode and Mrs. Verna Langrish.
The Ball family farmed at Rocky Point between 1887 and 1915.Charles Ball came from Wiltshire in England. His wife Hannah Parker was born within the log walls of the old fort in 1853. Her parents John and Mary Ann Parker came from Kent in England. Charles and Hannah married in 1869 and lived on Menzies St. before moving to Rocky Point in 1887.
They had ten children, of whom Wilfred was the youngest. He was born at Rocky Point in 1894.
Charles was a carriage-maker and blacksmith and had a business on Johnson Street below Government for many years before moving to Rocky Point, where he bought 120 acres bordering Pedder Bay, built a new home and engaged in mixed farming.
Charles passed away in 1915 and Hannah in 1937. The family plot is in Ross Bay Cemetery surrounded by an iron fence made by blacksmith Charles.