Mary Cordelia dies 69 years old
According to her death certificate Mary Cordelia’s died on January 1st 1939, age 69 years. The cause of death recorded was Pernicious Anemia, with Adenomata Thyroid. Her occupation is given as housewife, and address the family home at 1338 Grant Street. At her time of death however she was living with her son Ernest Henry (Hap ) and his wife Eileen at 48 Menzies Street.

23 January 1939
GANDY – At the residence of her son, Ernest H. Gandy, 48 Menzies Street, Mrs Mary Cordelia Gandy of 1338 Grant Street died this morning aged 69 years. She was a native daughter of Victoria and resided here all her life. There survive four sons, Charles of Seattle, Ernest H., Isaac and George, all in Victoria; four daughters, Mrs. W. Ball, Victoria, Mrs. W. Fell, Vancouver, Miss Violet Gandy, at home, and Mrs G. Moore, Victoria; three sisters, Mrs. J. Rutledge, Mrs. A. Ordano and Mrs. J. Lorimer, all in Victoria: also several nieces, nephews and grandchildren. The remains are resting at the Sands Mortuary, pending funeral arrangements.
GANDY- Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Cordelia Gandy, who died yesterday, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 at the Sands Mortuary Chapel. Rev. A. de B. Owen will officiate and interment will be in the family plot in Ross Bay Cemetery.
Victoria Times 23 and 24 January 1939
GANDY – Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Cordelia Gandy took place yesterday afternoon at Sands Mortuary Chapel. Rev. A. de B. Owen conducted the rites. J. Allen, C. Collins, S. Parker, N. K. Nelson, C. W. Kinloch and E. Rutledge acted as pallbearers. The remains were laid at rest in the family plot in Ross Bay Cemetery.
Victoria Times 26 January 1939
Mary Cordelia’s Sisters
Mary Cordelia had three sisters, as mentioned in the obituary above. Gerry Moore has provided photographs of two of her sisters below: